Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Tēnā koutou katoat v Greetings to you all
No Aotearoa āhau I am from NZ
Ko Puketāpapa te maunga My mountain is Mt Roskill
Ko Manukau te moana The Manukau is my sea
Ko Halsey Drive te kura Halsey Drive is my school
Kei lynfield toku papa kainga lynfield is where I live now
Ko Krishna tōku kuia My Grandmother is Krishna
Ko Prashant tōku matua My Father is Prashant
Ko Manisha tōku whaea My mother is Manisha
Ko Vin tōku matua keke My uncle is Vin
Ko Sohum rāua ko Arnav āku tuakana My cousins are Sohum and Arnav
Ko Pranav rāua My older brother is Pranav
Ko Neelansh tāku ingoa My name is Neelansh
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
If anger were a color it would be fire red
As red as a brand new sprayed car
If anger were a taste it would be a taste of revenge
Revenge as dark as an enclosed room with no light
If anger were a smell it would be the smell of rage
As strong and as fierce as a mad bull
If anger were a feeling it would be madness
As mad as a raging storm
If anger were a sound it would be a shout of anger
As loud as a violent volcano explosion
By Neelansh
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
water scarcity explanation
Paragraph 1
Water scarcity is when people don’t have enough water to survive. It started when farmers were wasting water without knowing.
Paragraph 2
We need fresh water to live. And there is only three percent of freshwater on earth. Two percent of freshwater is frozen in ice caps. That means only one percent of freshwater is on earth. You may be asking why can’t we drink salt water? Well here's your answer. Salt water obviously has salt. And salt soaks up water. So we would get dehydrated by drinking salt water. Eventually this leads to death. All living things need water to survive and without freshwater they will perish.
Paragraph 3-World population
One big issue causing water scarcity is world population growth. Earth’s current population is around 7.7 billion people. The more people, the less water to go around. The population of the world has insanely increased. In 10,000 BC, before christ, there was only about 4 million people on the face of the Earth. Then in the 1700’s scientists found out about medication. People started taking medication and this helped to make people live longer. Then as the medication grew population grew too. However, it’s not just the 7.7 billion people sharing this 1% of freshwater, all living things, such as animals, birds and insects rely on freshwater for survival too. All plants need fresh water to grow strong and healthy as well.
Paragraph 4 - wasting/overuse of freshwater causes water scarcity
Even though there’s only 1% of freshwater available on earth for all living things to survival of, many people waste it. Leaving taps on, having long showers and filling the bath up too high are all ways that people waste water. Turning the dishwasher and washing machine on when they aren’t full yet and using sprinklers on your garden and lawn are also ways of misusing water.
Paragraph 5 - Pollution and climate change and how this has caused water scarcity
Due to population growth, development and technology, humans are making more pollution than ever before. People are throwing junk that has dirty water and poisons into the soil and driving cars that can pollute our globe. People also throw plastic into the oceans and other household rubbish into rivers and dumps. Pollution causes the earth to heat up causing droughts and extremely hot temperatures. These conditions mean less rain and therefore water to drink.
Paragraph 6 - The effects of water scarcity
If there was a shortage of water on earth, there would be many consequences for humans. We would only eat food and nothing else. And all living things need water to live and there won’t be any water to spare. Not even one tiny,small ounce of water would be still in this enormous world. Everyone would suffer to death from dehydration.
BY Neelansh
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Tēnā koutou katoat v Greetings to you all
No Aotearoa āhau I am from NZ
Ko Puketāpapa te maunga My mountain is Mt Roskill
Ko Manukau te moana The Manukau is my sea
Ko Halsey Drive te kura Halsey Drive is my school
Kei Mt Roskill toku papa kainga Mt Roskill is where I live now
Ko Krishna tōku kuia My Grandmother is Krishna
Ko Prashant tōku matua My Father is Prashant
Ko Manisha tōku whaea My mother is Manisha
Ko Vin tōku matua keke My uncle is Vin
Ko Sohum rāua ko Arnav āku tuakana My cousins are Sohum and Arnav
Ko Pranav rāua My older brother/sister are Pranav
Ko Neelansh tāku ingoa My name is Neelansh
Monday, September 2, 2019
Fairy-ish tail
Hi, I’m Jeff, A.K.A the big bad wolf in the Three Little Pigs story. Well that horrible rumour about me wasn’t true at all. Here I'll tell you exactly what happened that fateful day. Once upon a time, I was making a nice sculpture for my mother's birthday but I didn’t have the materials to make it. ‘‘THIS IS A BIG NO, NO... I CAN'T MAKE A STATUE FOR MY MuM WITHOUT MATERIALS!’’ I said in horror. But then I thought, maybe, just maybe, a nice visit to my neighbour could fix this calamity.
So I went to my first neighbour who was pretty stupid, he had built a house out of straw. ‘‘Excuse me, do you happen to have some spare straw leftover for me to use?’’ I asked politely.
‘‘NO WAY YA HAIRY BALL-OF-FUR,’’ he rudely replied.
Well, just as I was about to say something to him about his nasty behaviour, my nose started to itch. ‘‘A AA Achoo.’’ To my disbelief, the whole house got blasted away. Then there, in the middle of the straw, lay a BIG, FAT, HAIRY pig! ‘‘Chomp burrp!’’ Well you know you can’t just leave a perfectly good dinner lying there, it'll rot. Then I kindly stole er… borrowed some straw from his house.
Now that I had some straw, I needed to find some wood. Luckily for me, the second little pig wasn’t much brighter than his brother and had built his house out of wood.
Knock, knock. ‘‘Hello there, do you happen to have some spare kindling left over?’’
‘‘NAH YA HAIRY RUNT’’ he nastily replied.
Then his stinky breath triggered my nose. ACHOO. The whole house fell down. In amongst a pile of rubble, a pig’s tail stood out. After close inspection, I discovered the porker wasn’t moving and he was as dead as a doornail. Dinner number two had served itself up to me. It wouldn’t be right to leave him there to decay slowly and stink the place out.
Then the last material...bricks. And I totally lucked in. There was a house of bricks a few metres away. ‘‘Excuse me sir, do you happen to have any leftover bricks?’’ I asked kindly.
‘‘Umm there is a steamroller coming towards your house’’ I replied, as I was annoyed with his rude response.
‘‘YEAH RIGHT” The pig responded.
’Ok i’ll just scoot over to the side and”…...CRASH, SQUEAL VRRR.
There on a dinner table was a flattened, juicy PIG! YUM... nibble, nibble. Umm... just consider that as a small snack before bed.
Now that I've got all the materials for the sculpture,I can build it! 5 minutes later ...Ahhh the beautiful sculpture is finished... I’ll call it PORK CHOP!.
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