Wednesday, March 13, 2019

My wild self

Bison horns - Your bison horns, unlike deer and elk antlers, are made of a substance similar to hair. They are also slow-growing and permanent. They grow in yearly "rings" which indicate age.

Spear-nosed bat ears - Hungry for a late-night snack? With spear-nosed bat ears, you can find food even in the dark. Just listen for echos they can lead you to a delicious insect.

Walrus tusks with whiskers - Your walrus tusks can grow up to four feet long. Walruses use their tusks to pull themselves out of the water and to crack breathing holes in the ice during the winter.

Spider crab claws - Grab on! Your spider crab claws can grow incredibly long and strong. Some have been known to grow leg spans greater than 13 feet!

Indian ornamental tarantula legs - Danger! Danger! The bright yellow markings on your Indian ornamental tarantula legs are a warning. They're meant to tell attackers to stay away. You're venomous!

Radiated tortoise shell - Why is your Radiated tortoise shell shaped like a dome? Scientists think the shell's shape helps tortoises flip over whenever they get stuck on their back

The wild creature

“Ahhhhhhh…” I cried, as this ridiculous buffy creature stood in
front of me.  His face told me he was a smarty pants (Because of his glasses) .with some hair which made him look like he was from England.The bison horns were as sharp as a bullet from an AK-47.  He had a human like nose and human like eyes which was odd….VERY ODD! His bat ears could probably let him hear halfway around the world. It was like he was superman's pet. His walrus mouth was really good for catching big prey .His mouth was like a grapple hook

His tortoise shell was highly likely to made of vibranium.  His fat shell was as immense as a father megalodon who ate a lot of great white sharks. ‘‘Eeeek those creepy Indian ornamental tarantula legs..I knew this day would come,” I thought aloud.  Its orange and black legs could easily scram out of danger in 0.000000001 seconds.

‘‘Pinch  ‘‘ouch Hey’’ click clack click clack’’ Spider crab claws that definitely catch prey in time I thought. ‘‘Who don’t get snippy ok’’  He’s not being mean it’s for survival it’s so he survives every animal does this. All of a sudden he dived in a hole and scurried away.

1 comment:

  1. i like how you described the monster in your writing Neelansh well done
