Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Why children should plan the day

Why children should plan the day

Children HATE school mostly because of the subjects.
MARVELOUS MATHS?  “Yeah right!” said the children. Next boring subject... Interesting inquiry (in the background children are rolling their eyes) Oh and the most boring subject of all………..HIDEOUS HANDWRITING.Dun dun dun.
When children hear these subjects a sense of dread and hopelessness washes over them. All these subjects really get on students’ nerves.
Now teachers, in your mind you like to say this is NOT true, but deep down you know there is some truth to what I’m saying. Some kids might be acting like they enjoy these subjects but in reality, our minds are beginning to wander, daydreaming of faraway lands, worlds of fantasy and wonder. Our minds shut down and repel this hideous ‘learning’ you subject us to.  See this is the type of thing that children get tired off, we want subjects that are fun, Kids should be able to plan the school day and here’s why. 

Main idea 1 - kids know kids
Who better to plan a day for kids than kids themselves?  Kids know kids best. From my experience and observations as a kid myself, I can tell you that children love eating, creating things, playing sports, watching animated movies, gaming, technology, and experiments.  So…. I would simply incorporate these interests into the school day. First up, cooking class 101. Chicken burger or a batch of cookies anyone? But what would children learn from cooking you ask? Well, quite a lot actually…they would need to learn to read a recipe, follow a sequence of steps, measure and weigh ingredients.  They would observe the cooking process and take part in the eating process of course! Cooking could also lead to experimenting and coming up with their own recipes, writing about the cooking experience, designing food packaging and marketing a product. Next up…. Creating things. In class, we could build structures such as bridges, towers, race tracks, buildings, boats, circuits and machines out of lego.  Building these things could teach kids about science functions such as gravity, pushing and pulling, forces, electricity and different forms of energy. But how could watching animated movies help us learn, you may ask?  
Well, imagine, the backgrounds are of historical places or of environments and settings from around the world.  There’s your geography lesson right there! We could even write a movie review and study the characters,

Main idea 2 - Kids would plan to use lots of technology
 Now as I have mentioned above, children LOVE technology.  And what’s not to love? If kids got to plan the day, technology would play a huge part,   With technology, children can learn in fun and interesting ways that capture their attention and imagination.  For example, using Chromebooks to play interactive games on the internet and i-pads to make i-movies, Explain Everything slides, present ideas in Pic Collage or Puppet Pals to create narratives.

Main idea 3 - If children go to plan the school day, bullying would decrease
Teachers, we always have some bullies in the school each year, But when kids plan the day they will do fun things everyone will enjoy so everyone will be happy and there won’t be any reason that bullies exist. The school will be a place of positivity. Students will be so involved with their fun and awesome learning activities that they won’t even think about harassing others.


Overall I think that children should plan the day because children would enjoy school, NO bullies would appear, they could learn by playing educational games and doing fun activities that they enjoy. Now that you've heard my topic and the reasons, think about it for some time and say a big YES!

My brain 
My brain
My brain
MY brain

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