Thursday, May 10, 2018

a letter from Gallipoli

A letter from Gallipoli
Dear brother
There are many soldiers who are dying in war.
We were needing help and food to eat.
At night I listen to the bombing sounds of guns.
The thundering noises of gun’s kept on going for the rest of the night.
I was safe from my enemies in the trenches and that’s where I hide.
In the morning I could smell the rotten food and it was horrible.
Then a couple of bombs blasted near me. I am petrified.
so me and the soldiers sniped most of the enemies down.Then killed the rest.I was happy.
Then I proudly said victory is ours!
From Neelansh

school photographes

Dear photographer

I am writing  to express My opinion about the way you arrange the class photographes.
Everyone knows that you take good photos but i have some suggestions to make.
First of all all of the photos are jumbled up.And you can get display board and put a class photos on the board and the next photo with the same teacher.

And people would buy more photos if it had a better background like for example you could make the background into our school symbol because it will be outstanding and people would like to buy them.

We should not have a photo shop for absent people and just right their names on the photo for the absent people because you would have to do extra work and also we should not have photos with  siblings and just have pictures of yourself and your class because it will be way easier and you would not have to wait until that student comes so you can photoshoot them.