Tuesday, August 13, 2019

grand parents day

Grandparents come with glee
Rooms are almost the same as pops
A horde of grandparents spill onto the field
Nice grandparents come
Dearing grandparents arrive
Pares of grandparents come to see the music
A crowd of grandparents comes on the field
Relaxed was Pop
Easy to push through the line
No one was being unkind
Two pairs of grannys and Pops stand
Singing was coming from the children
Determined to see her grandson was granny
A sausage sizzle is happening

Young children were singing

Monday, August 12, 2019

Sun flower life cycle

The yellow, bright sunflower that you may see standing tall did not always look like this.  Sunflowers go through a growth process exactly like humans.

Paragraph 2 - The seeds and their germination (sprouting)
The sunflower starts off as a seed, shaped like a teardrop. It has white stripes and the rest is black. The outer part of the seed is called the hull. The sunflower seed positions itself in a spot to grow a root.  Next, a leaf emerges from the seed. The leaf is small and light green in colour. The roots look like brown, small forks digging in the ground.

Paragraph 3 - The growth of the stem and leaves  
After a certain amount of time, the stem grows. The stem is like a stick but greener and easy to bend.
Then two leaves grow out of the hull. In the centre, there is a little sprout in the middle of the two. The roots then go and join together.

Paragraph 4 - The growth of the bud and the flower in bloom
Then more leaves continue to grow out from the stem. A  bud, which grows at the top of the plant, is creamy white and green.  Once the flower has grown to full BLOOM, it is bright and vibrant. Large, silky and smooth petals stick out from the centre.

Paragraph 5 the withering and dying stage

Once the sunflower has grown to an astonishing stage.
It finally turns black and spreads small seeds around.
Lastly it dies and the seeds around it grow into sprouts and the life cycle continues.


The sunflower plant goes through many stages of growth throughout its life.  It is a stunning and fascinating plant.